Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Heckel and Jeckel

You see, all you people in the media, what you don't understand is that warfighting, or fighting a war is like eating corn on the cob.

You tackle the first row, and then you move on to the next, and you keep going back and forth until the cob is clean. But you don't know when you're going to come around to the other side, because you can't see the other side, so you have to keep eating until you get to the other side, otherwise you'll throw away some unfinished corn, and that's when the raccoons come out and steal it. And by raccoons, I mean terrorists, so eat your corn or the terrorists will get it.

You know what's scary?

I think that's an accurate quote. I swear Rummy could fart the overture to "The Merry Widow" (taking all the wind parts) and it would sound abot the same.
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